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Keyword Tips
To best utilize the search engine, typing in specific keywords of types of books you are looking for. There are three easy steps to follow. Simply take your mouse pointer and place it in search window until the cursor blinks. Type in specific keywords of what you're looking for. Click on the search button and wait for your browser to find the book your looking for.
Example Keywords
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Arthritis Medication
  • Fibromyalgia help
  • Diet and fibromyalgia
  • Dietary Supplements
  • Alternative Healing
  • FMS
  • CFS
  • Myofacial
  • Hypoglycemia*
  • Anxiety*
  • Depression*
  • Irritable Bowel*

*In many articles I've read research indicates many FMS/CFS sufferers also have one or more of the above symptoms and or disorders. I myelf have 3 of the 4 listed.

Note: Remember with keywords you can include more than one word or phrase but try not to be too general or you will end up with thousands of sites to choose from.

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